Here is a summary of what is in C.A.T.S.
Click here to see the detail.
- 2 CD-Roms:
- Volume 1: Beginner to Grade 2
- Volume 2: Grade 3 to Grade 5
- Learn all about music theory
- Notes and Rests
- Pitches
- Intervals
- Triads and chords
- Scales
- Symbols and ornaments
- Musical terms
- Key signatures
- Time signatures
- General information
"Test-Me" quizzes to test your knowledge of one subject at a time *
- The Test
- Separate tests for each grade
- Answers given when you get it wrong
- Levels to complete with target scores and time limits
- Succeed in all tests to pass the grade
- League Tables
- Keep track of your score as you progress
- Save your place and re-start another day *
- Pass the grade and put your name on the League Table
- Customise
- Choose to use either English or American words
- Choose to let your computer give you the correct answer
- Limit the range of questions in the "Test-Me" quizzes *
* These features are in Volume 2 - C.A.T.S. Grades 3 to 5